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Forum - Report Bugs + Errors

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mmm, That was painless I never felt a thing.  :thumbs:

Have you introduced some new icons such as "Teletype"
Or was it there before and I just never noticed it.

testing teletype

After I posted this "albeit by mistake" I noticed there is a small icon at the bottom right hand corner "with a pen on top of a sheet of paper" so I clicked it to see what it did, which seemed to bring me back into this post, and along the top came a sign saying "Loading" on a wide green banner.
But the text I then typed never showed-up after I posted!

Kitz, what is that icon for please.  :hug:

Teletype's been there since I upgraded the forums to use SMF forum software...  the actual basic config of the forum should hopefully be the same as I duplicated everything as it was on the old site.

I had to do a fairly major SMF upgrade during the switch over though, and that may have changed a couple of things slightly too.

>> I noticed there is a small icon at the bottom right hand corner "with a pen on top of a sheet of paper"

Do you mean this one .

oooh at first I thought you meant the one thats always been there thats similar at the top so you can modify your posts...
I think that must be new with the forum software upgrade - because Ive never seen that green "Loading" strip before either...  its marked as inline modify.
Ive just tried it here - it looks like its a quick edit function - it brought up the text for modifying ok here.

or maybe not - it doesnt seem to save the edits
I'll go add it to the SMF bug tracker.

Yes, that's the one.

I just pressed the same one again in my original post, followed by reply to your post, so I don't know what will happen.  :police:

Just checking on SMF - seems like its a bug in the forum software.

Works ok in the default template - but if you have used your own theme (which I have) it appears to stop working..  theres several people that have already reported this :/


--- Quote from: kitz on February 17, 2007, 02:27:03 PM ---but if you have used your own theme (which I have) it appears to stop working..
--- End quote ---

Apart from my sig and avatar, I have not that I know of, or recall set any other themes with regards to the forum, unless you mean windows themes, which I have.

Thanks. (I'll leave it alone)  :scare:


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