Announcements > Site Announcements

Important Announcement - Site Update

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Thought I'd give you advanced warning that the site is currently in progress of being transferred over to a new host.

Most of the stuff is going on behind the scenes..  but there will be a period of time when certain sections of the site could be unavailable.

The hardest thing will be DNS propogation which either I nor my web hosts have much control over.
I do not expect this to have any impact on the main site which will run on both servers for a period of time.

However it will impact on the forums as obviously I cant have the 2 databases running at the same time.
Therefore there will be a period where I will have to close the forums until DNS has been fully propogated.

I dont expect to start DNS changes for at least the next few days - (more likely middle of next week) as I want to make sure everything is up and running on the new site correctly first.

I will give advance warning nearer the time of whats going on when.

Update - 15th Feb

The main site is ready to go,
- as is the forum aside from the database, which I cant do until I shut the forum down on this server.

I'll probably be giving this a dry run later on this evening (15th Feb), so there will likely be times when the forum wont be accessible.

If all goes well and time is ok..  then I may well bite the bull by the horns and set off the DNS changes tonight.

There shouldn't be any problems with the main site, which is already up and running on the new server. 
However the forum will be getting a new url in a much nicer (and more correct) format of

Chris has kindly offered to be on hand tonight to lessen the impact by setting up the ccgi > forum redirects.. 
so if time allows... it would be easier if I can get it all done at once whilst he's free to help.

Forum will be going offline 10.45 pm

Your late! >:D

lol we were just looking to make sure no-one was posting... and looking for the "maintenance mode" option ;D hehe

going now...


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