How to Post Photos or Screenshots In The Forums.
Sign up and register with Photobucket at: http://photobucket.com/register.phpTo copy a screenshot from your computer, you have a choice of ways to create the screenshot:
ScreenHunterA nice little program for selecting screenshots is called: "ScreenHunter"
Which enables you to "Copy, Cut, Paste and save, without having to use or open any other program.
Available from:
http://www.wisdom-soft.com/products/screenhunter.htmSuitable for XP and Vista.
Then follow the instructions from No4 below,
To Upload Your screenshot or Picture to Photobucket 2.
Vista usersVista users will find they have a "Snipping Tool" included with their system.
Which can be found in, "All programs > Accessories" one suggestion would be to right click it and choose add to quick launch so you have handy access to it all the times.
XP usersA) Open the page that you want and press "PrintScreen" (Prt Sc) on your keyboard.
B) Click "Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint"
C) In the open Paint window click "Edit > Paste". This will paste your PrintScreen Image.
... If you need to adjust the image by cropping out any unwanted parts, you will need to use a different program afterwards.
D) Click "File > Save As" and select My Pictures and name it, followed by "Save".
To Upload Your Screenshot Or Picture to Photobucket:.. A) Login to "photobucket.com"
B) Choose an image from your PC by clicking "
Browse" then select the image or picture that you want to post and click "
C) On completion of uploading, your image will appear in the lower part of the window with links beneath it.
D) For "
most" forums click on the link that says: "IMG Code" next to it will be the code to copy that will start with:-
... [IM.G]
http://i92...etc’ (it will also automatically copy the code and say "copied" when you click on the code).
5. Close Photobucket and return to the forum.
6. In the Post or Reply panel "right click" where you want the image to appear and then click "Paste".
To check what it looks like:While you still have the typing panel open, the text will be seen as:-
If you click Preview, the preview panel will now open and your image will appear.

DO NOT remove or replace any of the [ ] brackets, or your image will not appear.
Original text courtesy of Dave.M & Anne r
Edited to include the change of format to .gif or .jpg in Paint, also Vista text added.