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Merry Kitzmas

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eke...  its that time of year again..   :o

I'd like to wish the forum regs and visitors seasons greetings.

Thought I should make an effort and at least attempt to do something to make the site more festive.. 
so Ive just knocked up a new banner.

Oh and something amy said in another thread...  one for you.

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Bah Hum bug  :sleep:

Oh alright then seeing as it's Christmas, Happy Christmas and a even better Hogmany to every one.  :drink:

Good heavens! Is it Christmas already? I'd better get the sprouts on.


yuk sprouts.  :tongue:

Sprouts, yummy yummy.

The best vegetable that has ever been produced and providing it's are cooked properly, brilliant.
Most people tend to overcook them sending them into a squishy mush with no taste left.


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