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Cat owners in England must microchip their pets by 10th June


Somehow this passed me by until fairly recently so knowing that we have a lot of cat parents I'll share this info here too that new legislation comes into effect in June 2024 requiring all cat owners must have their ca(s) microchipped.

The deadline to get your cat chipped is 10th June 2024, after which the fine for not having your cat microchipped is up to £500.  All cats should be chipped by the time they are 20 weeks including indoor only pets.   At present this is only applicable in England. Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland are to follow at a later date.

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--- Quote ---1.5 million UK cat owners say their pet isn’t microchipped
--- End quote ---

Alex Atkin UK:
I can't entirely blame people.  Pretty sure one of our cats we got microchipped we had to have him done twice as the chip migrated and they couldn't find it any more.  Another cat we had chipped went missing and we never heard anything.

Current cat is microchipped as adopted from RSPCA, but forcing it seems kinda pointless if they don't bother scanning them or they can become unreadable.


--- Quote ---a third of cat owners in England are unaware their pet will be required by law to be microchipped
--- End quote ---

Exactly.  I had no idea until I stumbled across it whilst reading something else.   Even then I had to go check if it was genuine.
Unlike when they brought it in for dogs, afaik there doesn't appear to have been any publicity that cats now also had to be chipped by law.


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