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pfSense installer heads up.


I suggest anyone who has the pfSense installer to keep it safe.

It seems they are phasing it out in place of a unified netgate installer which is a "online installer", this installer doesnt even currently have support for PPPoE, so wouldnt surprise me if it was also incapable of getting online with Cityfibre (which requires VLAN configuration).

There is a link here with the old installer, but no idea how long it will be around for.

Alex Atkin UK:
Well that's tone of deaf of them if true.  The whole point of rolling your own box is the flexibility of how you get that done.

I ALWAYS install and configure my box before plugging the WAN in.

Same here.

Alex Atkin UK:
To be fair the Wiki says "is a new method" not "is the new standard method".  But I guess Netgate still have some trust to earn back.


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