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speed tests.....

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So after a lengthy process trying to get to the bottom of the issues with my new FTTP circuit it would appear that it was either a duff port on the cbt or the fact that my cable was re-spliced. Whichever it was it now seems much better. Whilst I'm not obsessing about speed tests they have been the only way to prove from the beginning that my circuit had a fault. My question is even though there are many speed testers around why do they vary so much in results when compared on the same machine etc. I find speedtest now gives me full whack up and down but various other testers that are well known will still give me a random result.. tbb for one.

Discussion appreciated and what's your preferred tester?


Alex Atkin UK:
Server load, routing, browser load, any fudging of the numbers they do to try to account for overheads and/or buffering.

I've noticed self-hosted LibreSpeed for example has a real hard time on the upload test.

Thanks  upload is the one thing I need to keep an eye on as that was where the fault was most troublesome. The only one I can get any consistency out of is speedtest at the moment. Speedtest test gives me around 945 up and down but tbb  is a bit hit at times...tried a few others with  random results it seems...

Alex Atkin UK:
I think upload is particularly tricky given web browsers are really optimised for downloads as there's a lot of overhead on the server for uploads.

LibreSpeed in particular I think its the inefficiency of using a PHP script to handle the uploads, I assume uses compiled code for this, something which is less common these days given the security implications of running anything that potentially could accidentally be run as root or have been compiled on libraries with security problems.  Interpreted/JIT languages inherently get bug fixes when the underlying software get upgraded.

TBB isn't great. Use the Ookla app and the YouFibre London / Manchester / Edinburgh servers or the Community Fibre server.


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