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This year (2022) is the centenary of the publication of James Joyce's "Ulysses", by Shakespeare and Company of Paris.

Not being something that I had read, I downloaded a PDF copy and made a start. After many months of reading, late in the evening (typically for half an hour), I had passed the one quarter stage but had not reached the one third stage of the novel . . . at which point I gave up. It just proved to be impossible to read.

At least the authorised English version of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" had clearly labelled chapters, sections, paragraphs and sentences, unlike "Ulysses" which is just a stream of (misspelt by error or design? who knows :shrug2: ) words (both real and inventions).

I wonder if there exists an audiobook version. The reason I ask is that my daughter has just finished War and Peace in audiobook form while on the half-hour car journey to and from work. She had previously tried reading it, but soon found herself falling asleep, and didn't carry on trying. The audiobook brought it to life, and she followed it to the end.


--- Quote from: roseway on December 03, 2022, 06:32:42 PM ---I wonder if there exists an audiobook version.

--- End quote ---

There is an audio section to the Wikipedia entry for the novel which mentions --

--- Quote ---BBC Radio 4 aired a new nine-part adaptation dramatised by Robin Brooks and produced/directed by Jeremy Mortimer, and starring Stephen Rea as the Narrator, Henry Goodman as Bloom, Niamh Cusack as Molly and Andrew Scott as Dedalus, for Bloomsday 2012, beginning on 16 June 2012.

--- End quote ---

Some research may be necessary to see if there are audio versions currently available.

You've probably found this already, but this link provides a full set of audio files from an RTE production of Ulysses:

Yes, a 409 Mbyte ZIP file has been downloaded.  :)


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