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Xbox series x game


Hope someone can help. Bought my son a new series x xbox for his birthday and 2k23 for series x...

We have tried umpteen times of installing it but it won't show the game in the optimized list... tried offline, online install, update etc...

The physical disk says xbox one...the outer packaging states series x & xbox one...
What are we doing wrong.. other older games we already owned from xbox one s show as optimized but not 2k23...

I was told by a friend the disc should say xbox series x on it...???


Alex Atkin UK:
Where did you buy it?  Could it be somewhere that takes the disks out and only puts them back in when you buy it, can easily put the wrong one in that way.  Not that a mixup in the factory is impossible either.

We bought it direct from 2k's website. They responded earlier saying its a hybrid game?... it was all sealed on arrival but hard to actually verify if the disc should actually say series x on it as I was told by some xbox support forum after a lot of head scratching...

Some xbox one games are not xbox series optimised, does it say optimised on the case?

These games still work, they just not been tweaked to run better on the series consoles (faster loading times, better graphics etc.).

However I just checked on the xbox website, and this game should indeed be optimised.

I think Alex may have got it right.

Alex Atkin UK:
Its a weird one if they're claiming its a hybrid game as from I can gather only certain editions come with both versions which would suggest its not.


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