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Email on iPhone and IPad


I have my own domain name hosted on TSOHost. My wife and I have our own email addresses.

This morning my wife noticed that she could send or receive emails on her iPhone or IPad (same Apple ID); however, email using her email address is coming through normally on our iMac.

I have deleted the email account and restored it but it fails the TSOHost verification process. What am I missing? I have asked TSOHost for advice but so far no response.Thanks.


--- Quote from: art37 on October 14, 2022, 04:12:06 PM ---This morning my wife noticed that she could send or receive emails on her iPhone or IPad (same Apple ID); however, email using her email address is coming through normally on our iMac.

--- End quote ---

I cannot assist with your query but wonder if there is a word missing in the above quoted sentence. Should there be a "not"  between the "could" and "send"?

I.e. ". . . she could not send nor . . ."


This sounds likely to be wrong SSL certificate is presented for mail platform

As a test, simply edit your account on iphone and change to plain ports (not secure).

If working, double check your incoming and outgoing servers match those on mac and also check ports used

It could also be SNI has stopped or failed on 1 or more domains if SNI is in use on mail server

Many thanks


Some good advice from @d2d4j. Just a further comment the Apple ID is of no consequence. However just a thought is the mail application trying to send via iCloud ? I seen this happen before where it seems to change a server setting.

In iOS 16 there are subtle changes to the mail app, this gives a delay of 10secs for outgoing mail. I’ve noticed it’s quite easy if you close the mail app before this delay emails disappear


That’s just mail recall which iOS 16 16.2 introduced to allow a user to stop email from been sent

iOS 16 also introduced crash detection as a feature, but unfortunately from all accounts I’ve read, if you visit funfare or ride rides at amusements it triggers crash detection

Not everything is practical however it may seem a good idea

We use AA car genie for crash detection but this only triggers if car is detected as crashed

Many thanks



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