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Author Topic: Interleaving and Netgear 834G  (Read 5162 times)


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Interleaving and Netgear 834G
« on: December 02, 2006, 04:49:16 PM »

Hi, I wonder if anyone might be able to help me. I have had ADSL Max with eclipse for just over a month now. I have been syncing at around 4500-5000 with a BT profile between 3500 and 4000 depending.

I complained to eclipse about the insane throttling that they are doing on news and other protocols, and pointed out that whilst my connection can do 3.5/4mbit I should not be getting speeds on 3/4kb a sec. Instead of addmiting they do throttle, they blamed my connection (which can do 3.5/4mbit from HTTP etc) and without telling me as of last night put Interleaving on. Since this has been done, my connection desync's every 20-30 seconds and has become totaly unusable. It now also syncs at around 3500 which I understand should be expected with interleaving.

What I don't understand is, interleaving is meant to make a connection more stable, but in this case it's done the total reverse. Before this I had 6 days uptime with FAST.

I have tried all the usual things, different filters.. master test socket etc. I then tried my very old USB modem, and this is able to connect and stay sync'd without any problems.

So in short, my netgear 834g is having real big issues since they put interleaving on, does anyone have any ideas?

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Re: Interleaving and Netgear 834G
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2006, 07:09:20 PM »

Your ISP isn't responsible for turning interleaving on. This is done automatically by the BT equipment when it decides that your connection is unstable. Interleaving doesn't result in lower sync speeds (unless you're syncing at the full 8128 kbps). Very low download speeds may be due to ISP throttling, but there are several other possible causes, such as exchange congestion.

I suspect that your instability now is nothing to do with interleaving, but something else has gone bad with your line. We've seen other cases recently where a router becomes unstable but an old modem works well. This is purely a theory of mine, but I wonder if your line has developed a high resistance fault or something similar, and it just happens that the modem is less susceptible to this fault. Can you hear any noise on the phone, and does picking up the phone affect the ADSL connection?



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Re: Interleaving and Netgear 834G
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2006, 07:52:40 PM »

Hi Eric, thanks for your prompt reply. My isp sent me an email saying they had requested interleaving be switch on. They did this because they missunderstood my complaint, which was about them and not the ADSL connection itself.

I can hear no noise on the line, and using the phone does not effect the connection. I have semi fixed the issue but it's a very strange solution, I have forced the netgear to use G.Lite instead of GDMT. It is now sycing at 3000 odd, but is stable, with speedtest being as expected. However if I put it back to auto mode, it picks GMDT, and while the connection syncs at 4000 odd, speedtests are 2/3kb sec and the connection can't last more than 1 minute.

It's very strange, until interleaving was put on, which I know was done last night, the connection was happy to sync at 5000 and give a good 450/500kb download.


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Re: Interleaving and Netgear 834G
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2006, 07:54:55 AM »

Hmm.. that's really very strange, but I'm still struggling to believe that interleaving is the problem. As far as I know, G.Lite will work, but it has speed limitations. GDMT Annex A is the correct modulation system for a BT line (I'm assuming that this is BT and not LLU?), but why this should sync at a reasonable speed but severely limit your download speed is beyond me.

If your line was stable before interleaving was switched on, I suppose you can ask your ISP to get it switched off again. This would at least show whether interleaving really is the problem. Sorry, I'm not being a lot of help.



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Re: Interleaving and Netgear 834G
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2006, 11:34:04 AM »

I had problems with Interleaving, on a DG834G v2. My connection was pretty stable without it, but with, it was slow, would sync more slowly, and was generally more unstable than it was without interleaving. Since I've had interleaving turned off, I've been synced solid for the past 3 weeks!

Maybe something between certain DSLAMS and the DG834 with interleaving on?


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Re: Interleaving and Netgear 834G
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2006, 12:55:30 PM »

I guess you're right Chris. There do seem to be some issues with some combinations of DSLAM and router.



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Re: Interleaving and Netgear 834G
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2006, 12:55:52 PM »

It certainly does seem this router has real issues with Interleaving being on. For the minute or so that it can stay connected about 50% of packets are lost when trying to ping google, and then the connection just falls over again.. so this would explain the poor speed's despite the ok sync rate. Forcing it to G.Lite does cause it to sync about 600/700 lower... always seems to sync at the 3000 mark, however it has 0 packet loss and good throughput. I have also found that forcing it into mode 3 which is GDMT Annex A it will sync at 4000 and have around 10% packet loss. However the really strange thing is, put it into mode 1 which is auto, it will auto pick mode 3 and in comes the 50% packet loss and 30s-1min synn loss.

It really is very strange but after hrs of playing around all I can conclude is either my router has a fault, or this firmware/brand of modem has issues with Interleaving.

I have requested that it be set off, and I will post once this is done to let you know if the router returns to normal.