I have a suspicion that Shortcuts has become rather slower in iPadOS 14. A very cpu-intensive Shortcuts subroutine which I wrote has an inner loop that executes hundreds of times. It contains mainly regex match operations within the loop plus a bit of logic. It was slow before but now is truly painful taking many minutes to complete.
I have complained to Apple about the performance decrease.
On the other hand they have partially fixed the display routines so that we get a large window to see results in again now, not the silly uncalled-for small window that was introduced in iOS 13 for no reason. The bad news is that they are now using non-mono spaced fonts so textual results layout is now all wrong, plus there are some funny line breaks/wraps introduced into results’ formatting, for no reason, so this looks like a bug, or some insane design. I had a subroutine that draws an ASCII bar-graph of results but I have had to delete it because the layout is all screwed up now.
The people in charge of Shortcuts keep making bizarre breaking changes; it’s as if they assume either that no one has already written any programs, or all programs are trivial, or the devs have not tried any complex programs.