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iPadOS 14

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I see iPadOS 14 / iOS 14 is now out. I’m doing a mad thing and downloading iPadOS 14 onto my iPad; doing the thing I vowed not to do. Will report back if there’s anything noteworthy. It’s taking about 45 mins.

@weaver Ive not had any issues except with one 3rd party app that they warned about. Much better than the iOS 13 which was a nightmare.

Thanks. Anything exciting I should know about?

Nothing that helps me. Slightly better mail app and Callander.

I’m very pleased with the redesigned Shortcuts app UI. I have 148 Shortcuts programs (including subroutines) and now I can organise them so I can find things. Changes to the display of text have screwed up the layout of displayed results coming from my Shortcuts programs: used to be mono spaced font and I relied on that in some cases, but no more and the layout of some things has gone wibbly  wobbly, also some things now don’t find in the tiny display window for output text, breaking layout again. This also happened in iOS 13 - you used to get a big window that was full size to draw text in, and then they changed it to a piddling little random sized thing.


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