Computer Software > General software

DSL-stats and Advice on Programming In Visual Studio


i noticed the command adsl info --vendor now provides ChipSet SerialNumber:   7035342888  (on mine)which may be worth adding to DSL-stats instead of the doubling of the Chipset Version Number

ChipSet Vendor Id:      IFTN:0xb206
ChipSet VersionNumber:  0xb206
ChipSet SerialNumber:   7035342888

also, ive decided to start to learning programming using a GUI like Vis Studio which I've installed along with most modules - can anyone advise me on the best language to go with for basic desktop programs? - a good book or PDF to teach me? i have JavaScript and C# books

edit: i would also like to make android apps (have its modules installed)

thanks in advance

When I wrote the GUI inteface for HG612 stats I used Visual Studio and dot net, which I found very easy to get on with and more importantly easy to google for answers. There  also plenty of online course and guides which get you going.

Pretty sure it wouldn't be suitable for Android though, but great for windows.

thanks Ronski - cant wait to get going...

ive got some beltin ideas in my head..just not the skill to put it down haha


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