Well yeah its the same for VPNs really dont trust your isp, so use a VPN, but then of course the VPN provider can log etc.
I have moved between different positions, at one point had DNSSEC resolution enabled as well, I have settled on using cloudflare DNS currently. Going direct DNS doesnt protect you from MITM attacks either, thats why DNSSEC exists but the amount of domains DNSSEC enabled is a pittance and that has its own issues.
Cloudflare dont do trackable logging, unless you think they lying, but one thing I am sure on is I dont think direct DNS resolution is worth it for consumer use, DNS is so performance sensitive.
Ultimately in security there is a bunch of what if's and then there is a bunch of practical situations, if you end up getting your DNS records manipulated, unless its part of a feature like malware/parental filtering on the upstream provider, then its more then likely going to be a compromise on your own network.
Also one thing to consider as well, if your DNS queries are not encrypted, its trivial for an isp to intercept your lookups, try doing DNS encryption direct.
If you are really paranoid, which it sounds like you are, then you could use dnscrypt or something similar to your own private resolver hosted outside of the UK. Which is what I used to do until I realised it really messes up some geo services (they may check DNS server country origin) include getting ip banned from amazon video. After I switched to a mainstream forwarder service I realised I just wasnt that bothered enough anymore.
I think most people prefer a 3rd party service to log instead of their own isp as their isp already will have records with their personal details for billing purposes, so its fairly logical to conclude the further away the logging is from your isp the better.