Internet > General Internet

Weird broken website

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To fix the problem with IPv6 I employed my Firebrick router to block IPv6.

I used the following rule, adding a rule element into the middle of an existing suitable rule-set that monitors outbound stuff coming out of my LAN "IF-LAN". You must change IF-LAN to be whatever your LAN interface object is called.

--- Code: ---
<rule-set source-interface="IF-LAN" no-match-action="continue">
      <rule target-ip="2a02:348:82:cb69::2" target-port="80 443" protocol="6" action="reject"/>

--- End code ---

But depending on your circumstances you might just roll the whole thing up into one combined form, as follows:

--- Code: ---
<rule-set source-interface="IF-LAN" target-ip="2a02:348:82:cb69::2" target-port="80 443" protocol="6" no-match-action="reject" />

--- End code ---

But the first form is always preferable if you have an existing rule set to add this new rule into, as that way you can minimise the number of rule-sets, which is desirable from an efficiency point of view amongst other reasons. (Sed multa sunt peccata mea in re ista.)

This is not a great hack though because what happens when they change their IPv6 address, how many alternative addresses might there be due to load sharing, and how many other virtual http servers might be living on that box, so that other random sites could get knocked out just because they share that address?

Got this issue too.

Editing the hosts file doesn't work for me.

Although the page now loads I get a page that says

This IP is being shared among many domains.
To view the domain you are looking for, simply enter the domain name in the location bar of your web browser.

yeah this site has had issues for years.

The fact ipv6 has been broken so long suggests they dont care about maintenance, which makes me inclined to never use it, incase of the risk of a drive by or something.

It’s such a shame as it is incredibly useful. Maybe one of our number could replace it with a new similar tool.

ipv6 is finally working on this website now LOL.

Ok I did cheat, I accessed the page via ipv4, but manually inputted my ipv6 on the ipv6 test, I expect the ipv6 vhost is still broken to access the site.


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