I have - somewhat rarely - vectoring on my line, so will be interesting to see if this makes any difference to the results.
Indeed, one of the very few.
My perhaps simplistic understanding of vectoring technology is that it should certainly help if not completely eliminate the effects of crosstalk on the line from FTTC cabinet to user.
Why you DS synch has dropped to 35,000 Kbps with 55/10 provision and vectoring in service, don't know.
Very round figure, could your line be banded ?
FECs, never seemed to cause any harm to the usage of the connection (as they are corrected)
This was my initial thinking also, errors that the technology has pre-corrected, however, the FEC error rate does seem to be at least one of the factors which DLM considers with respect to G.Inp re-tx profile control, as previously stated, how much this effects low to high re-tx migration via DLM is not clear.
However, quite a few forum patrons have positively established that once on DS re-tx high profile, reducing the FEC error rate by modem DS synch speed clamping will eventually produce DLM action to change re-tx profile to low.
Of course, the modem DS speed clamp will also have the effect of reducing other factors such as G.Inp LEFTRS and rtx_uc rates which some believe are in the DLM control equasion as well ?