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Uber banned from london

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Black Sheep:

--- Quote from: parkdale on September 24, 2017, 04:01:12 PM ---The only thing that i'm concerned about is TAX evasion,  >:D, they generate lots of profit but again pay very little tax.

--- End quote ---

Ha ha .... the thoughts of yester-year. We operate in a very different world in which I was brought up in. There are no scruples anymore, and anyone thinking 'Truth & Justice' will prevail, is an avid reader of Marvel comics.

We live in a time where 'Cash is king' .......... forget the regulatory bodies, they are but a mere inconvenience ...... if YOU really order a taxi and you're first thought is, "Do they pay TAX ???" .... well, you must be living in a utopian village that movie-directors dream of.

This is real-world stuff, it goes on in big cities. 


--- Quote from: Black Sheep on September 24, 2017, 06:13:54 PM ---Ha ha .... the thoughts of yester-year. We operate in a very different world in which I was brought up in. There are no scruples anymore, and anyone thinking 'Truth & Justice' will prevail, is an avid reader of Marvel comics.

We live in a time where 'Cash is king' .......... forget the regulatory bodies, they are but a mere inconvenience ...... if YOU really order a taxi and you're first thought is, "Do they pay TAX ???" .... well, you must be living in a utopian village that movie-directors dream of.

This is real-world stuff, it goes on in big cities.

--- End quote ---

Yes you may well be right on that but it is a sad indictment of today's modern world. It does not make it a better place....


I recalled a friend of mine saying she worked for them when they launched in her city, then I didnt hear much more.... so I sent her a message to ask why she quit after just a few days. This is what she said:

--- Quote ---Money wasn't worth it. It's something you do if you don't have a job or to make extra crash on the side. It's wear and tear on the car, unknown asshole customers, and not worth it if you have a better than minimum wage job. And yes, Uber drivers have attacked customers and vice versa. You just need a licence and a less than 10 year old car that passed inspection to drive. That's it. No background check or anything. Great job for sex offenders.
--- End quote ---

Maybe uber had lower requirements when they first launched?

I found this article showing high claimed figures of attacks/rapes from taxi drivers, however this is from taxi drivers as a whole not specific to uber.

This article mentions a number from uber (a lot lower than the number in the first article). 32 drivers.

Obviously this is sourced from the press which means it can be speculated figures, but it doesnt indicate uber is any worse than non uber taxi services, but of course I agree these events shouldnt be happening whether its uber or any other taxi service.

Articles state as I said earlier its the councils that vet drivers.

Opinions on Uber seem to be very polarised.

I've not had great experience in general with taxi companies in the past, including a sexual assault by one driver on my friend, and when I've used Uber they've been as good as the better taxi companies I've used.

I can't wait to see the evidence that's presented to the court. It'll be an interesting few months, that's for sure.



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