Broadband Related > ADSL Issues

It keeps me occupied

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it's the electric fence  :) got it turned of errors fell straight away only problem is farmer needs it on and can't find the reason it's started giving trouble  :(

Reasons could be --

* Poor earth connection.
* Arcing across poor joints in the energised wire.
* Foliage shorting the energised wire to earth.And possibly more . . .

He was quite good about it but think he knows less than me about broadband etc , he did say you can turn it off when you want to go on the internet if you want  :lol:

well after a lot of field walking ( I've taken it on my self to check all the fences ) I couldn't believe what an length of fencing is connected  :o it's 4 good sized fields . I put extra grounding in reconnected fence joints and have got the ES/hour rate down to about 45 on averagebut still have some ideas to try out  :fingers:

Nice progress! Keep on trekking.   :)


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