Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software

DSLStats abandoned while Win 7 Computer was a *******

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But having got my refurb Windows 10, I've reinstalled it, v5.9. I, however, am getting frequent invalid floating points, and often it has closed down, so my records are gappy. :(

Perhaps 5.9  is not suited to my situation, so what earlier versions would you suggest, and other advice? Please!

Where did you install the DSLstats files? The reason I ask is that the Windows version of DSLstats is rather fussy about its location, although I'm not entirely sure why. A couple of users have found that reinstalling DSLstats in one of the user's own folders and deleting the configuration files before restarting it, made this sort of problem go away. If you look at the event log before closing it down, you'll see a line giving the location of the snapshot folder - the configuration files are here as well, unless you've changed one or the other.


*files and folders contained are:
DSLStats32W5.9: files- webserver; dslstats; errors1.dat; es data; traffic; traffic; all snapshots

I'll have to have a think about that. It's a slightly unusual arrangement, but I can't say it's wrong.

I don't have Windows 10, and I can't duplicate that directory chain on Windows 8.1. But it seems an unusual arrangement. I also note that you seem to be running the webserver; do you actually need this? Its purpose is to provide a means of accessing your DSLstats graphs and text data remotely and (forgive me if I'm wrong) I doubt that you need it, and it's just an extra complication in diagnosing your problem.

I've set up DSLstats v5.9.3 from scratch on a Win 8.1 machine using normal default locations, and enabled all the "Items to Monitor" plus the webserver and uploads to MDWS, plus several snapshots. At present it's running smoothly. I would like to suggest that you do the same. While DSLstats is running, take a note of the locations of the configuration files, the snapshot files, and the webserver files (in the event log), then close DSLstats and delete all these files. Delete all the DSLstats files as well.

Now make a fresh download of v5.9 or v5.9.3 (better probably) and extract the files, including their containing directory, to C:\Program Files. Start DSLstats and set it up how you like it, but don't change any of the default folder locations.


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