Computer Software > Security

An OS X Malware Incident

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I actually rather strongly disagree that updates are generally 'good'.

Updates frequently destabilise a previously stable environment through unintentional side effects, often because of rushed and inadequate testing of patched software.  Worse, they allow software vendors (microsoft!) to deliberately install unwanted sohftware or modify behaviours, masquerading as updates.

If an update provides new features, and these features are useful to me, I may install it - but even then it is often a pain as I like to ensure I can revert if the new version causes problems and that's not always easy - usually impossible for example with iOS updates.

If an update fixes a major bug or security vulnerability I generally take a balanced decision... Convince myself that I understand the risk and can live with it, stop using the product, or install the update.  In the last case I regard that as  a necessary evil, but not something I would call good.

Just my unconventional opinion. :)


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