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Author Topic: HG612 - Permanent Access To GUI \ Over WAN ALONE - Guide for n00bs STEP-BY-STEP  (Read 17599 times)


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This Guide is n00b friendly, meaning if you're new at networking, this Guide is for you!

* Alert : Firefox 64x might not be able to see your modem, so dont use it in this Guide,

* don't reboot the router\modem with out saving the changes, make sure you submit,

* if you have to use the telnet part of this Guide, you will be one of the unlucky users who wont be able to turn off there modem, if there is a power cut, or the modem is rebooted by mistake, you will have to repeat steps 14) to 19) it's recommend that you skip steps 14) to 19) when you 1st try this Guide, if your router supports it, you will be able to see the modem on the network with out the telnet fix, if you dont, then you will have to try with the telnet fix, but it wont be a permanent solution for you i'm afraid

* Steps 21) 26) will be the hardest part of this Guide, Hint! take a look at Steps 21) 26) before you begin, to see if your router can run the commands

You will need :

1) HG612 Modem with the unlocked firmware on it -

2) DD-WRT or Tomato firmware on any router that supports it (This Guide used the R7000, so follow this Guide if northing else works)

3) Good old ethernet cable

4) Determination <-- This ones very important

Once you have all of that, you may follow this Guide

1) connect the ethernet cable to the HG612 Modem second LAN port "LAN2" then the other end to your computer (Make sure your WIFI is off, or you have disconnected from your routers network)
2) Open Control Panel - Networking and Internet - View network status and tasks (Next to "connections:" click on Ethernet X) Where X is may be a 1 or 2 and so on
3) Click properties then double click "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv3)"
4) Click "Use the following IP address:"
5) Enter in the ip address box
Code: [Select] then simply press enter in the "Subnet mask" box, which should fill it in for you ( then press "OK" and "OK" again, please make sure you press OK both times in both boxies,
6) Open internet Explorer or the New Microsoft Edge (don't try to use anything else)
7) Enter
Code: [Select] in the address bar of your browser and press enter
8) Type in
Code: [Select]
adminfor the user name and
Code: [Select]
adminfor the password, Press "Login"
9) Click Basic then WAN, look for "Port binding:" and untick LAN1 and LAN2 if LAN2 is unticked, leave it unticked, now click Submit
10) Now staying on the Basic Tab, click on "LAN" which you will find under WAN (the one your on)
11) On "LAN Host Settings" click on "IP address:" and change
Code: [Select] in to
Code: [Select] Now again press Submit, after you have waited 20 seconds, you should find the page has stopped working, dont press anything
12) On the address bar, enter
Code: [Select] the page should load, if it dont, wait 1 minute, for the settings to take effect, then try again

13) You dont need to login, if the modems interface shows up, you know how to get to it and that it's working, it will always be at

14 Might be optional) install telnet,

open a administrator command prompt (you can skip to 19) if your feeling lucky, some routers dont need this step for the modem

15) Enter
Code: [Select]
telnet press enter,
16) Enter
Code: [Select]
sh17) Enter the following lines, One By One, making sure you dont mess any up, or miss any :

Code: [Select]
iptables -I INPUT_SERVICE_ACL -i br1 -s -p ICMP -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT_SERVICE_ACL -i br1 -s -p TCP --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT_SERVICE_ACL -i br1 -s -p TCP --dport 23 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -I PRE_SERVICE_ACL -i br1 -s -p ICMP -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -I PRE_SERVICE_ACL -i br1 -s -p TCP --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -I PRE_SERVICE_ACL -i br1 -s -p TCP --dport 23 -j ACCEPT

18) Type
Code: [Select]
exit then exit then exit one last time

19 Start here if you skiped 14) disconnect ethernet, and connect to your router by wifi or connect to your router by ethernet, making sure to edit the settings we changed in 2) back to "Obtain an IP address automatically"
20) Open internet Explorer or the New Microsoft Edge (don't try to use anything else)
21) Type in your routers address
Code: [Select]
22) Type in
Code: [Select]
admin for the user name or if that doesn't work, try the user name as root then :
Code: [Select]
admin for the password then press login

23) Click Administrator - Command (you should be seeing the Diagnostics/Command Shell
24) Paste in

Code: [Select]
ifconfig vlan2:1 netmask
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING ! -s $(nvram get lan_ipaddr) -d -j SNAT --to

25) Then press Save Startup or if you have a different router, carry on reading

try the following bellow, however dont (Save Startup) Run Command instead, then go to, if nothing shows up, try the same command I use above, if both commands show zip, it's not worked sadly, 

Code: [Select]
ifconfig eth0:1 netmask
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING ! -s $(nvram get lan_ipaddr) -d -j SNAT --to

if you see the modem, then it has worked, press Save Startup

but if it hasn't - go to command prompt on the computer and type telnet then sh then ifconfig, try and find the WAN port name and change the command, if you dont know how to do it, you will have to message someone, or comment, to clear the router of any settings sent by telnet, reboot it,

26) Press Management, then press reboot
27) You should now have access to allowing you to view the modem

* I and the whole of KITZ are not responsible for any damages that may happen, because of you following this Guide, anything you enter, you enter at your own risk
* Admin KITZ and Mod friends, may edit this post at any time, to correct spelling and mistakes, hopefully i've corrected them all :police: respect the mods
* Good luck :fingers:

* This Guide was made by SignedAdam, Chrysalis, Dray, and friends ;)
* Take alook at the work behide this Guide,17645.0.html
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 06:35:16 PM by SignedAdam »
I'm a geek on his own


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Surely a far, far easier way is to simply flash the HG612 with


from here!LdJFDIJL!e_E1twsIg2kTet8mPjrb4w

then simply connect LAN2 on HG612 to any free router port? That's how I got the HG612 GUI. Apologies if I've misunderstood you.


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Yes, obviously this will only work on an unlocked HG612, but the important thing to note that this is how to get the stats using only LAN1, i.e. the same connection that runs from the modem to the WAN port on the router.


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Dray - Is correct, of course, (Because he, and Chrysalis) are the brains behide this Guide ;D i'm just the guy that wants everyone else, to know about it, :cool:

This guide is more than just freeing up one extra connection, I found having lan port 2 connected, at the same time, causes disconnection issue or it losing sync (same thing), I would need to pull lan 2 out, and then, put it back in after an hour or so, to gain access to the modem again, (Im finding) im not having the same issue with this guide, this way is also permanent, meaning you can reboot both the router and modem and not worry about the settings being lost, even if it sounds messy and long, it's worth it, your getting something for nothing, you would only normally find this functionality, in something you paid for...
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 10:36:39 PM by SignedAdam »
I'm a geek on his own


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Thank you for doing a step by step guide :)
A link to this post has been added from the HG612 unlock page on the main site under Getting access to stats using one interface
Please do not PM me with queries for broadband help as I may not be able to respond.
How to get your router line stats :: ADSL Exchange Checker


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You are very Welcome, Thank you for creating this website, it's a god sent :angel:, i'm just using the tools I was given :graduate:
I'm a geek on his own


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Dray - Is correct, of course, (Because he, and Chrysalis) are the brains behide this Guide ;D i'm just the guy that wants everyone else, to know about it, :cool:

This guide is more than just freeing up one extra connection, I found having lan port 2 connected, at the same time, causes disconnection issue or it losing sync (same thing), I would need to pull lan 2 out, and then, put it back in after an hour or so, to gain access to the modem again, (Im finding) im not having the same issue with this guide, this way is also permanent, meaning you can reboot both the router and modem and not worry about the settings being lost, even if it sounds messy and long, it's worth it, your getting something for nothing, you would only normally find this functionality, in something you paid for...

Ah ok, I understand now. But I've had my HG612 permanently connected to loads of routers over the last 2-3 years via LAN2 (eg Asus AC87U, Linksys EA8500, Netgear R7000) and I've always managed to access the HG612 web GUI by going to using wifi despite a zillion router reboots and resets. IMHO the trick is to change your router's default IP address to anything other than (i normally use and this works a treat. Why make things unnecessarily complicated when all you need is a cable from LAN2 to a spare router port & the unlocked webgui fw on the HG612?

What I would really really like is for someone to post a guide on how to access the web gui on the Draytek Vigor 130 VDSL modem (whilst modem is connected to router) because unlike the HG612, this has only 1 LAN port and the only way to access the web GUI is by physically disconnecting the cable to router and plugging it into pc...a right old faff  :'(
« Last Edit: April 30, 2016, 08:52:17 AM by psychopomp1 »


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Presumably that's because on the Draytek the WAN port is bound to the LAN port?

The way this whole thing works is by having the modem on a different subnet to your normal LAN.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2016, 09:25:05 AM by Dray »


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There's an even easier way, if your using Xwrt-Vortex firmware on a compatible router or an Asus router, all thanks to this guilde

follow on from 8) from my guilde above if you have an Asus router or a router running XWRT-Vortex
9) Click Basic then WAN, look for "Port binding:" and untick LAN1 and LAN2 if LAN2 is unticked, leave it unticked, now click Submit

10) Now staying on the Basic Tab, click on "LAN" which you will find under WAN (the one your on)

11) On "LAN Host Settings" click on "IP address:" and change it to :
Code: [Select]
12) Now again press Submit, after you have waited 20 seconds, you should find the page has stopped working, dont press anything
disconnect ethernet, and connect to your router by wifi or connect to your router by ethernet,
13) Open internet Explorer or the New Microsoft Edge (don't try to use anything else)
14) Type in your routers address
Code: [Select] to your router with
Code: [Select]
admin & your password
15) WAN - Internet Connection
16) WAN IP Setting (under Get the WAN IP automatically) press NO
17) Under IP Address enter :
Code: [Select] Under Subnet Mask enter :
Code: [Select] Under Default Gateway enter :
Code: [Select]

that's it! all done! :cool:
« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 01:43:48 PM by SignedAdam »
I'm a geek on his own