Computer Software > Windows 7

Can't get Windows 7 updates from Microsoft, but not sure why..

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When i installed win7 on my new gaming rig after it had installed SP1 iirc win update was stuck in the searching for updates loop
after some googling several forums i found a solution  to this, by downloading a more recent windows update agent Download and install the correct version for your o/s and run windows update, it can still take a while several hours for the initial  search to find available updates , and if you are like me,and don't want MS's free offering of their spy ware win 10, then you may need to use a tool that blocks it, or scrutinize suspect updates against a list of known updates that help you upgrade to win 10, as well as the win 10 installer files and nag popups

I'm not sure if you guys are still having trouble on this thread, and you might not want to update to windows 10. But for those that do, and are having problems using Windows update function, I'd recommend using this Media Creation Tool that will download Win10 either to a USB/DVD storage device, or directly update your computer. This is a free upgrade until july 29th. This bypasses Windows internal update program, so this download should work. It's 4gb in size. Here is the link:

P.S. I've had the fortunate or unfortunate task of using this tool on both my computers, and particularly on my new computer it saved me a lot of issues. It's very straight forward to do. Just make sure you have no usb devices plugged in except your usual mouse and keyboard otherwise I've heard it stops the update at a certain percentage. I've never had any issues with the program. Just make sure you pick the Windows version that you currently have. I'm not sure if it gives you a choice these days or not. If it does, if you have Win7 Pro, Win8 Pro, Win8.1 Pro then pick Win10 Pro. If you have the regular home versions of windows then pick the home version of Win10. Good luck!

I will add that I've upgraded all my machines now with no real problems. Expect for Windows 7 that is.

An upgrade 'worked' in the sense that it loaded Windows 10 but a whole load of applications then refused to run properly - CS6 was one I remember - blue screens, various startup errors, activity cursor then nothing and so on. Can't remember all the ones that failed but the point is that I then ran a revert to previous OS.
That went fine BUT I still had all the errors  ??? 

Looking at the various system folders  there were an awful lot of files dated far more recently than they should be  - so I guess that the revert ends up with a hybrid OS that includes Windows 10 files? Restoring a proper backup I'd taken before starting got me back to normal again. I tried this twice but no better the second time.

Gave up and used a new disk to run a clean install and got everything working eventually.

I just realised I didn't post back with my solution but I downloaded the updates from onto my hard drive and just followed the instructions to install them from that and it worked a treat for both my laptop and pc and has been fine since. I had tried every patch and remedy I could find and even left them both searching for updates for 4 days i think but the offline update worked a treat.

The instructions here will get a fresh windows 7 install updating quickly:


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