Computer Software > Windows 10

Which drivers?

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It seems an issue facing people who have upgraded to Win10 is one of drivers.

For many bits of hardware the companies haven't issued a specific Win10 driver. So what is the general consensus of which version of the driver to use?

I had Win7 Pro 64bit edition. So do I keep installing drivers for that platform even though I'm now on Win10 Pro 64bit edition?

I have noticed that the version of RealTek (the audio driver for my computer) is now listed at a higher version than what is the newest version of the Asus website (my motherboard is Asus). So I'm thinking through Windows update, its updating the driver from another platform. It would be interesting to know which ???

If you can't find a Windows 10 driver then I'd try a Windows 8 driver first,  if that doesn't exist then try Windows 7, no guarantee it will work or even install though.

As ronski said.

e.g. Windows 8 and 10 over windows update supply a 2006 ATK driver.  So even microsoft themselves distribute very old drivers.
Likewise windows 8 supplies a windows 7 driver for the onboard intel 965 graphics on my laptop, as intel decided to stop supporting it about 5 years ago. (think it may even be a vista driver).

I don't really know why they have changed things so much in Win10. It's like they have changed it for changings sake. No wonder some software and hardware companies are struggling to keep up.

The UI changes are for sure to give a novelty factor, certain user's get excited by it.
There is of course under the hood changes and the shift to making it a data hoarding service.

I am only just now changing my network and some family machines to windows 8.1 from windows 7.  Windows 10 had me excited for it initially, up until the point it released where forced updates was confirmed and all the tracking junk occurring.  But for me the biggest put off with win10 currently is its unstable state, microsoft have now copied google and moved to a rapid development model which is not the type of product shift I like.


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