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BBC, Li Fi 100 times faster than WiFi

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It looks like LiFi can achieve throughput even higher than 100x WiFi, but you have to be thinking *much* deeper than just one lightbulb...

LiFi has been around since 2011. Some history:

That page also has some "myths", including the one about LiFi being 100x WiFi.
It looks like commercial LED bulbs are capable of 100Mbps, but faster stuff needs to be tuned better ... with RGB bulbs getting gigabit, and serious lasers getting 100Gbps.

The professor that started it all has this to say (yesterday) on the 100x thing. He both debunks the myth, and points out it isn't true when comparing like-for-like:

But at the bottom, he then points out how much *more* LiFi can achieve - 1,000x as much, when considered "per square metre".

I'm thoroughly intrigued by the document linked near the bottom - modelling "optical access points" in a network in a room (ie lots of light bulbs), and applying cellular radio techniques to it. That results in their concept of "LiFi attocells" with a radius of around 3m; one picture is of a 20m x 20m room, overlaid with a 5x5 hexagonal cell pattern.

That concept - of being able to break the area down into many small cells - seems to be a key method for achieving the very high multiples of what LiFi can achieve over radio, "per square metre"

The only downside? Someone needs to be developing the backhaul... Fibre to the lightbulb?


--- Quote from: WWWombat on November 29, 2015, 10:48:01 AM ---The only downside? Someone needs to be developing the backhaul... Fibre to the lightbulb?

--- End quote ---

That's what I was thinking, all well and good having these 'lights' capable of this speed, but we'll need network connections to each li-fi light fitting, which is not easily retro fitted. But this would be very good in new builds, or complete renovations, it should solve the problem of everyone fighting for some wireless space and also people hacking into your wi-fi.

For my own example of in-flight use on passenger aircraft, the external internet link is already available via commercial satellites, high speed broadband now being on offer.  I believe deals have been struck and  some airlines who will start rolling it out next year.  I don't recall seeing  any details of how it will be offered to passengers, i.e. perhaps via dedicated (wired) tablets, or if they'll find a way of tolerating WiFi.  But LiFi would make some sense, as long as there was an uplink too.

I'm just imagining myself being absorbed in an intense BF4 game and the wife walks in and turns off the light, lol.



--- Quote from: kitz on November 29, 2015, 01:53:58 AM ---If my memory serves me correct (possibly not) but hasnt li-fi been brought up and discussed on these forums before.  Possibly over a year ago, so I dont think the concept is that new.  I seem to recall it had several downfalls and although it may be useful in some instances its not ideal.

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