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Big iPad is announced

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--- Quote from: Dray on September 10, 2015, 08:01:06 AM ---"Room goes absolutely silent as Apple introduces someone from Microsoft. "  :lol:

--- End quote ---

They are expecting him to run to the centre of the stage, open his jacket and show everyone the Semtex strapped to his chest & the big pressure trigger in his hand. <jk>

Apple & MS in the same room not fighting each other is the 'end of days' to all the Apple fanbois & tamed Press.
It does not compute ..... ??? ???

ISTR M$ saved Apple when they went rotten.

Yes the Microsoft moment was a bit of a surprise.   I notice he conformed, as did most presenters, to the strict U.S. Tech Company dress-code, of casual shirt hanging outside jeans.   Makes you wonder what they wear to make the weekend feel different, pressed shirt and tie for lawn mowing? :D

The big new iPad looks pretty amazing.    The slide showing how graphics performance has evolved, was it 160 fold since iPad 1 ?  I've played with code that exercises the graphics processors on early iPads and found they could handle all I threw at them so if this one is 160 fold better then... Wow.

The new Apple TV looked interesting too.  And maybe a bit more likely to be priced within reach of my actual pocket money.  At least if I save up for a few weeks.  ::)

I just switched on the telly.   BBC news is making a big deal that today is, in their words...

--- Quote ---The official start of the Apple Season.

--- End quote ---

...Now I know the BBC has been accused of being over-supportive of the Cupertino company's product line, but had they gone too far this time, in response to yesterday's new launches?   No I doubt it, they were interviewing a CEO of an industry organisation, a gentleman wearing a smart-looking coat over crisp blue shirt and neatly striped tie.   That'll not be the same 'Apple' then. :D

If someone accidentally trips & walks out of step at Apple it is a Global News event.
So no surprise really  ;D ;D ;)

Apple have the best marketing Dept in any industry ....... period.


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