Broadband Related > Telephony Wiring + Equipment

Who pays for installing a new mastersocket where the 'old' type was ?

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If a property has an old mastersocket without a removable half faceplate and testsocket (25+ years old), can they request BT upgrade it to a new master socket (with test socket access) without being charged the £144+VAT ? Or is there even a reduced fee for doing this ?


I don't know about other ISP's but if a customer has a line issue, we raise a fault and Openreach are dispatched to fit an NTE5 socket. This is at no cost to the customer.

You should call 150 and ask BTR is they will with no charge.

I have had three 3 prefiltered boxes fitted free of charge.

Two of my lines were very noisy and i had a voice fault so i asked the engineer if he could fit one on each line and he just said yes  :D .

My old (20year) mastersocket was replaced during one of my engineer visits - it was classed as a fire hazard !! - so no charge

Engineers are ment to where feasible to change an master socket for an nte5 whilst at a property (some times time or access restrictions mean it may not get done on a visit assuming the master socket wasn't part of an issue to do with the visit).

As to requesting a visit specificaly to change a master socket to an nte5. I'm not sure, there are so many changes lately with what specificaly is & isn't chargeable and some thing called WLR3. ???

As stated on this string, confirm this with your telephony service provider (SP) not your iternet service provider (ISP) first


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