apologies to everyone for the incorrect guide, I copied in the wrong stuff from an older doc I made.
assumes the following
192.168.1.x is lan subnet is billion 2nd lan subnet ip (the default)
run the following on the router. (not the billion)
ifconfig eth0:1 netmask
- this allows the router to contact the billion 2nd subnet. (this applies to asuswrt, other routers may use a different interface, indeed tomatousb uses one of the vlan interfaces).
then run this in the router, this command is valid for both asuswrt and tomatousb, but I dont know if is any good for ddwrt, openwrt etc.
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s ! $(nvram get lan_ipaddr) -d -j SNAT --to
- this allows any device on your lan with the 192.168.1.x subnet with router set as gateway to access the billion over the wan cable.
kitz or another mod you can edit my previous post to reflect this thanks.