Broadband Related > Broadband Technology

Useful Article


The following explains simply  what Vectoring is about :=

( It doesn't explain the name, but calling it old fashioned "Neutralisation" clearly wouldn't be good enough when it is done digitally ! )

Don't understand much, if any of it but
--- Quote ---Implication #3: Coexistence Among Vectored and Non-Vectored DSL Lines
It is possible that non-vectored and vectored lines share the same binder; for example, if legacy DSLAMs are not replaced as newer vectored DSLAMs are installed. In such cases, the crosstalk generated from the non-vectored lines to the vectored lines cannot be cancelled. If left unmanaged, such crosstalk will reduce the benefits of crosstalk cancellation performed among the vectored lines. The proper management practice is then to reduce the transmitted power levels of the non-vectored lines to a level no higher than what is the minimum required to maintain their service requirements. Any such adjustment of the transmitted power levels must be made on a line-by-line basis, after taking into account the conditions under which each line operates.
--- End quote ---
Lovely, doesn't that sound? Cure one problem by degrading someone else's service, it seems unless I am mistaken. ::)

I think BT are already doing that, my line has the symptons that simply the power has been cutback.


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