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Small web design london tips on page load time


There was a time when internet users have to literally wait until the web  page gets loaded, because since people had no option they waited until the page gets loaded,but now internet users simply opt for sites that get fast loaded and they are available too

1.Clean HTML will increase page load time effectively
2.Images that are large could actually slow down the web  page load
3.usage of java scrips should be used keeping in view the web  page loading time

you can also use gzip to zip the files, which are then unzipped by the browser, makes the site a lot faster. i was always wondering though how one can find out if the hoster is slow or just the site itself...

Hi there,

I like to use a tool at it uses google and yahoo's Page Speed and YSlow to generate a report letting you know how the site can be optimized.

To achieve good performance of page loading speed, consider using just CSS files and mainly configure the server your site to store caches browsers. Use the Google Page Speed Insights tool to generate a report with recommendations for improvements.


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