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"Forum How To's" eg How to Post Photos or upload a file

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Upload a file with your post

When making your post click    "Additional Options & File Attachments" underneath the text box.

Under "Attach"
click "Browse" to locate the file on your PC you wish to upload.

There is a maximum total size of 200KB and 4 attachments per post.

Format your text.

The most common formatting is bold and italic text. 
These can be acheived by use of either the and buttons or {b} and {i} tags.

--- Code: ---[b]bold[/b] or [i]italic[/i]

--- End code ---

There are also various other formatting options available when you make your post.
  will change the font size - the smaller the number the smaller the text.

--- Code: ---[size=8pt]Smaller text[/size]

--- End code ---

Insert a YouTube video

The following is an additional tag specific to this forum and will be removed if the facility is abused.
YouTube clips can be inserted using {youtube} tags.

Example if the clip you are wanting to link is then the clip would be inserted as follows

--- Code: ---[youtube][/youtube]

--- End code ---

Special Forum Tags

The following are tags specific to this forum that will automatically insert commonly used images.

[*]NTE5A Master Socket

{nte5} tag outputs a photo of the NTE5A master faceplate showing the test socket and links to the page on how to improve your broadband speed

--- Code: --- [nte5]
--- End code ---


[*]ADSL platform

{adsl platform} tag outputs an image showing BT Wholesales network platform and links to the page showing how adsl works.

--- Code: ---[adsl platform]
--- End code ---

[adsl platform]


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