Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software

IMPORTANT - MyDSLWebStats is closing down ...

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MyDSLWebStats (MDWS) is closing down on Monday 12th March 2018

It is with some regret that I have to announce the closure of MyDSLWebstats. There are many reasons behind this but it's mostly due to the fact that it's taken over my life to the extent that it is about to become a victim of its own success as it's just proving too much for me to cope with. The server is also showing signs of overload recently with a rapidly increasing user base and would likely need a rewrite to get over this. I also have increasing difficulty coding/concentrating these days now I'm 73.

Another major problem is the looming implementation of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) on May 25th. Since I am advised that even as an individual I hold sufficient data on everyone Registered as using MDWS to come under its umbrella, I just don't have the resources or effort needed at my age to get involved in meeting the many requirements it enforces or face the possible penalties it imposes so all that data has to go.

MDWS started as a pure experiment in 2014 with no idea if it was even feasible but it eventually was up and running with a lot of unpaid effort from all those involved (BaldEagle1, roseway, Ronski and tbailey2). We have since lost contact with one of the founding contributors (BaldEagle1) who wrote HG612 Modem Stats which now runs unsupported, which has put more pressure on roseway  when changes are needed to DSLStats.

So on Monday 12th March 2018 MDWS will become unavailable. If anyone wants a refund of any recent donation(s) they made I can do so on request but please do so quickly. Please cancel any standing orders related to donations and you will need to stop uploading by the cessation date else you will just be wasting your bandwidth.

MDWS is no longer accepting Donations or new Registrations as of today.

Thanks for your support over the years and hope the facility was useful to you.

@tbailey2 I would like to request a refund please. All the best for your healthy future.

I am really sorry to read about the decision to close MDWS, but it is understandable.

I wish you well and thanks for the short time I was able to use your service.

Best of health to you.

I want to pass on thanks for providing the service over the years.  I will certainly miss it.

If anyone wants to provide a similar service I would consider donating.

I will miss the 24h overview graph, the all user stats page and the historic archive of snrm, sync speeds, errorred seconds and attenuation the most.

I guess everyone will be increasing the number of days and frequency dslstats keeps snapshots for now but it will not come close to keeping minute by minute data.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re shutting down MDWS but totally understand your decision.

Thank you for the service you have provided and please enjoy your retirement.

All the best



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